The Greenlabs National Network of Portuguese Research laboratories was founded in 2019 by grassroots green lab initiatives established independently in some national institutes. GreenlabsPT aims to promote sustainable research within the Portuguese scientific ecosystem by bringing together research teams and institutions while maintaining research quality and excellence.

In September 2023, the network organized its first GreenLabsPT Symposium at the University of Coimbra. During this event several national institutions, represented by the network, signed the Letter of Commitment, demonstrating their dedication towards a more sustainable research.

The GreenLabsPT initiative remains open to new members and institutions that wish to subscribe to the Letter of Commitment.

Institutions committed to GreenlabsPT include:

Green Lab CIIMAR, Porto

GreenLabs CIBB,
CNC and iCBR,

Green Team iMM,

Green Team ITQB,

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